How to Get Sober from Alcohol

being sober around drinkers

What we often find is that those people drop out of your life because it’s going to be no fun for you going along to a drink-fuelled event with those people when you’re not drinking. You might find you actually have very little in common with them. If the point of the evening is getting drunk, then there’s nothing in it for you so it’s quite likely that you’ll stop hanging out with those people and they’ll start to drop off your radar.

How can I navigate social situations without alcohol?

being sober around drinkers

Alcoholics Anonymous, for example, has more than 2 million members in the United States, making it one of the most well-known groups for people recovering from addiction. Before we go further, let’s first discuss the difference between belief and reality. Most people don’t realize that what they perceive as reality is actually just a set of beliefs. The true reality of how the world operates is too massive for our human minds to comprehend. Therefore, we form sets of beliefs to interpret the reality around us based on our personal experiences, observations, and what is relevant to our needs. Forming healthy connections with other people is an important of this process.

What are the benefits of living a sober life?

Many 12-step programs suggest that sobriety means total abstinence, which means never using the substance again. Other definitions, however, focus on the process of recovery and coping habits that support health and wellness over the long term. And if a friend or family member is struggling to control their drinking, there are new ways to access support.

being sober around drinkers

Identifying Triggers and Avoiding Temptation

I was confident that I’d be able to go and not drink but I was dreading it because I thought I’d be bored out of my brains. I thought I was going to be the most boring and unsociable person there. I felt like I didn’t have anything in common with the people that were going to be there.

You might notice that alcohol negatively affects your sleep and leads to fatigue the next day, which impacts your performance at work. Many aspects of some cultures revolve around alcohol — networking events, date nights, celebratory champagne toasts — so it isn’t always easy to avoid alcohol entirely. Going to wine tasting after wine tasting as a nondrinker is likely to get old fast, so consider mixing up your outings with other activities as well. According to the National Institute of Health, more than 14 million Americans have an alcohol use disorder, while Alcoholics Anonymous estimates more than 1.3 million Americans in its community.

  • In the early days of learning to live your life sober, you might decide that it’s easier for you to avoid situations where you’re surrounded by people drinking.
  • Financial troubles and problems finding and keeping employment are major triggers for relapse, but it is possible to take baby steps and get your finances in order.
  • Anger is a normal and natural emotion, but how you deal with it will make a difference in maintaining your recovery.
  • Be honest, set boundaries, identify triggers, and seek support from allies.
  • Be confident in your decision, and remember that you have the right to make choices that align with your values and well-being.

Joining a gym, taking fitness classes, or going to a yoga studio is another fantastic way to make friends. The connections you make from these activities will likely be with people passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. Whether you’re sober or not, an essential quality of a good friend is one who encourages and supports you to be healthy. Seek support and connect with like-minded individuals who share your interest in alcohol-free socializing. Look for local groups or online communities that promote sober social activities or host alcohol-free events. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can provide encouragement, inspiration, and a sense of belonging.

Identify Your Personal Triggers

  • I have gone to bars with people I genuinely like as a sober person, and I don’t stay for longer than an hour or two if nothing is happening.
  • It’s been over six years since I first started seriously questioning my relationship with alcohol and considered a life without it.
  • If your friend knows that social situations or the presence of alcohol will threaten their sobriety, they may need to choose to avoid these scenarios for a while.

These days, unless I’m feeling generous, I simply say, “I don’t drink,” and leave it at that. In the beginning of your recovery, you have to be mindful of what you interact with. It’s important to accept that there is no normal that is better or worse. And remember it’s OK to leave social events—you don’t have to stay, be the last one to leave, or the life of the party.

being sober around drinkers

Keep in mind that self-help strategies are helpful tools, but you may need additional help to remain sober long-term. Implementing a buddy system is an effective strategy for maintaining sobriety in social situations where alcohol is present. being sober around drinkers This involves going out with supportive friends who also choose not to drink, providing you with additional protection against potential relapses due to peer pressure. When you decide to quit drinking, honesty becomes your greatest ally.

  • Setbacks don’t erase progress, though, and they don’t mean you’ve “failed” to stay sober.
  • It’s likely your doctor will order some bloodwork, which can be the start of your path to physical recovery.
  • In a society where so many social events revolve around the consumption of alcohol, it may be difficult to say “no” when friends ask you to join them at a bar.
  • The point of all this, don’t forget, is to enjoy the holidays.
  • In this story, each blind man touches a different part of the elephant and draws his conclusion about what the elephant is like.

Practical Guide: How to Stay Sober Around Drinkers

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